Play together - Stay together

New: Self-paced mini courses

Image of a barking dog

Heatwave Games Mini Course €15

A fun-filled course of 13 games designed for you to play with your dog in the shade when the temperature rises!

Image of a barking dog

Power Pullers Mini Course €49

If your dog pulls like a train the moment you leave the house, and your walks are a bit of a nightmare, then these resources are for you. In this 30-lesson mini course, you'll find everything you need to get your dog on the right track and to bring some calmness back into your walks.

Image of dog and woman

Guest mini-training: Learn Consent Behaviours With Dr Natalie Rogers €15

Discover how to teach your dog to give their consent to medical interventions such as nail clipping, administering drops, or having vaccinations, without them growling, barking, nipping, or biting. 

New courses coming soon, so please do check back frequently!

Hazel Johnson BSc. (Hons) Psychology, QTS, PDT, ACACED, Cert.French (Open)
caniAmis (EI)
Registered: 53 Rue de la Croix Pierre, 87290 Rancon, France
Tel: +33 (0)7 54 47 01 45

SIRET: 822 957 494 00013