Prior to making any booking, please read the information provided on the website to ensure that the Calm Dog Calm Home program is suitable for you and your dog. If in doubt, please contact caniAmis.
Bookings & Fees
Bookings for Calm Dog Calm Home may be conducted online via the website.
Payment can be made online by PayPal or credit/debit card.
Where an instalment payment is defaulted, the provision of services will automatically be terminated.
General Terms & Conditions
The following definitions apply to these general terms and conditions:
The Provider is caniAmis or their representatives.
The Client is you, the dog owner.
The Provision is the training and/or advice received by The Client from The Provider in respect of The Dog.
The Dog is your dog or dogs that fall under the service being offered.
The Third Party is anyone else who takes care of The Dog, including, but not limited to, family members, dog walkers, doggy day care centres.
The Company is caniAmis.
The Provider will make every reasonable effort to support The Client in achieving agreed training and behaviour goals.
The Client will make every reasonable effort to follow the guidance and advice offered by The Provider and to encourage any other family members or Third Party responsible for the dog to follow the same guidance and advice.
The Client agrees to make every attempt to attend all planned sessions.
The Client accepts that The Provider makes no guarantee of improvement in behaviour of The Dog(s) as a result of The Provision.
The Client expressly acknowledges that The Provider cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages suffered or incurred as a result of The Provision.
Cancellation Policy
The Client may cancel The Provision at any time by notifying The Provider by email. The Provision will discontinue at the end of the billing period.
No refunds will be given for periods in which services have already been provided.
In all cases, The Provider reserves the right to refuse a refund.
Privacy Policy
Your data will only be used for legally legitimate purposes.
No sensitive lifestyle data will be collected.
Your data will be used to deliver relevant website and advertisement content to you, and to measure the effectiveness of those services and advertisements.
Your data will never be offered or sold to third parties for marketing purposes.
Your data may be kept for up to six years.
For comprehensive details of this policy, please refer to the Privacy Policy.
Use of Images and Feedback
Images and/or videos of The Dog and/or feedback provided by The Client about The Provision, The Provider and/or The Company may be used in training and promotional material including, but not limited to, leaflets, flyers, social media posts, or on the website of The Company.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you also agree to images and feedback being used in this way. If you do not wish your dog or your comments to be used in marketing, please advise The Provider as soon as possible.
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